Tracking4Web is is the simplest solution for Courier & Cargo Tracking Business. If you need to enable Tracking Option in your existing or new website, this is quickest Software Solution. You can get install it yourselves or We do the installation and brand it in your name on your hosting ! The Courier Software is Very easy to setup and manage powerful administration. Provide online tracking system of consignment and shipping detail for International or domestic shipping. We have made this script, a very simple one, which means SIMPLE ! The Script can be plugged in to any part of your existing website. It can run along with Joomla or WordPress or Drupal.
Courier / Cargo Tracking Script (Tracking4Web)
” We decided to develop this small application for the simple reason being, not many such scripts are available in the market and few of such that exist are vast and complex”
Which Version to Choose ?
Tracking4Web Chotta – is the basic Version
Tracking4Web PRO is the latest and advanced version. The comparison is shown here…
Tracking4web Chotta
version – 4.99
User Name : admin
Password : admin
Tracking4web PRO
User Name :demo
Password :demo1234
Product Website