If you want your web site to work…you have to keep it maintained. As you may already know, a web site can quickly decay in performance and value. Proactively managing your site can extend its useful life, maximize its return on investment and consistently increase in marketing value for your company.

Maintaining a web site is a labor intensive, complex task. To do it effectively you need a professional. We offer customized website maintenance, cheap/affordable website maintenance packages that guarantee increased performance for your site.

In the current economic environment, companies, organizations and institutions alike are seeking ways to reduce costs, and add value to their marketing and communications strategies. Our professional Website Maintenance service deliverers just that.

Once your site is online, it will inevitably need to be updated to keep your content fresh. Sometimes it’s a simple change, like changing a date, or adding an event or you may want to add a new section or functionality to your site involving site-wide modification.

Maybe you already have a website designed in-house or by other designer and you need help fixing a few things, or maybe you tried to do the updates yourself and things didn’t work out as well. We can help you maintaining such sites.

Unprofessional site updating often damages the site, no matter how unintentionally it might be. Links can be broken or lost, files exposed for easy exploit by hackers and spammers, un-optimized graphics slowing the page download.

Our Web Maintenance and Management service protect your site and investment in your web presence by constant site-optimization. In addition, we continually meet the needs of your web site, both immediate and long term both technically and content wise.

A web site maintenance package features the following focuses:


The content needs to be alive, current and accurate. With fresh information people will have a reason to return to the site time and time again. Also old articles, comments and other information should be archived.

Maintaining & managing your site:

Using newest technologies, we can monitor your site and make changes that improve your site performance for faster download and improved content spread. We insure that new innovative features are implemented from time to time.

Response and customer service

Site visitors, customers and members often need a response. They may have questions, comments, complaints and suggestions. We can handle your customer support, forum moderating and any kind of database management from here in India.

Keeping your website up-to-date:

Content editing can be accomplished with updated information, such as special offers, product changes, pricing changes, new product and services announcements, employee information changes and all those things that keep your visitors properly informed.

Re-structure your site contents:

Using your site access statistics like how many visitors your site has, and what they look at while visiting, we can help you re-structure your site contents and navigation elements for increased business.

Most maintenance job include at least the following:

» Modification and Addition of Website Content

» Image Manipulation and Addition (client supplied images)

» Newsletter & email list maintenance

» Shopping cart product updates

» Update announcements, articles, etc.

» Replace images i.e. pictures & graphics

» Adding/removing pages

» PDF creation and uploading

We are sure we have a solution for you and would be happy to discuss your needs. Talk to us about your needs, we can work with you to make your product exactly what you want it to be.

Maintenance Contract Plans   (Annual)


  • Updates Per month
  • Textual Changes (supplied by you)
  • Content updates (supplied by you)
  • Images Insertion (supplied by you)
  • Images removal
  • Ideal for
  • Price Per Year in Rupees


  • 2
  • Low Traffic Sites
  • Rs. 2,499


  • 6
  • Mid - Size Websites
  • Mid - Size Websites
  • Rs. 4,999


  • 15
  • Large Enterprises
  • Rs. 9,999

For larger websites, please contact us for a price quote.

If you don’t want to spend your time updating your website, then let us do it for you so that you can focus on what you do best.

Couldn’t find what you were looking for? contact us now and let us know what you’re looking for. We offer free evaluation of your requirements.

Please get in touch with us today, for all of your Web Design Maintenance Development requirements, and we will be happy to give you access to our world-class Web Design Maintenance team. Click here to Get a Quote and fill in our short online contact form.