To Open up training centre to impart training in weaving, Dyeing, Designing and marketing also to open a craft production centre to produce and service the tools and accessories.
To create a Model village exclusively to house all kinds of rural artisan and craftsmen as a measure to protect them and promote their life style and etc. To conduct Spiritual festival, Divine Pooja, Bajan and Ananthanam (Free Food).
To Conduct free Medical Camp, Blood Donation Camp, Eye Camp etc.
To find and grant scholarship, stipends, free note β books, uniforms to students.
To award scholarship, stipends, free note β books, uniforms to students in India to enable them to pursue their studies in India.
To hold and conduct free computer classes, abacus, handwriting, Quick Maths, lectures, conferences, seminars and conceptions and to give schloarship, diplomas and certificates and awards as and when thought fit in the name of Trust.
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