A & T is into Video over IP technologies since 1999 and are today a one stop shop for Video over IP Products, Solutions and Services.
We are Value Added Distributors of disruptive and innovative video communication products and equipments. We custom design solutions using the Secured Network and Audio / Video technologies to fulfill customer needs. The Products and Solutions offering are complemented by our Video services. We are highly specialised in verticals like Telemedicine and Teleeducation.
Enterprises, Educational Institutions, Heatlhcare, Retail, Hotels, IT & ITES Organisations, Media companies, and Governments can use the following technologies for ‘buy’ or as a ‘pay as you use’ Service or a combination of both.
Two way / multisite Video conferencing and collaboration
Multimedia content capture, Recording & Archival – directly with no need of Post editing.
LIVE Video streaming / Web casting of Events, conferences, lectures.
On Demand streaming / webcasting.